Wednesday, August 02, 2006

  How Detox Foot Pads Work
as many as 400 to 800 man-made chemicals are found lodged in our bodies. Normal healthy body elimination processes do not remove them all. Foods, drinks, breathing, medications, stress, metabolism, disease, personal products applied to skin, synthetics, home and workplace chemicals contribute to the body’s toxic load which accumulates daily and builds up over the years. This can lead to degenerative disease.

Everyone has a different metabolism and constitution , certain people have high moisture content in their flesh and others do not. Some people have good blood circulation while others may have thicker and stickier blood.The seriousness of an illness and its treatment varies according to differing body constitutions. Toxins accumulate in the feet Eastern medical study for hundreds of years holds the view that toxins go downwards in the body during the day with gravity and they pile up from the tips of the toes to the ankles.

Eastern medicine also understands that toxic accumulation leads to many degenerative diseases. For example, painful rheumatism and arthritis are caused by toxic fluid gathered in the joints. There is another Asian expression that says aging comes from the foot.The feet being extremities furthest from the heart have the hardest job of pumping blood carrying toxins back up to the heart, kidneys, lungs and liver and out through skin for natural excretion from the body. detox foot kinotakara pad is an example of branded foot patch A high quality alternative is the NOVA Detox foot pads. Accumulated fluids and toxins can cause painful swelling around the ankles with poor blood circulation.The feet are considered the second heart, or an abbreviated version of the body, with over 62 acupuncture points on the soles relating to the major organs in the body, as in foot reflexology.Generally, the top third of the foot relates to the top third of the body organs, the arch relates to the centre of the body and the heel to the lower third of the body.When lying horizontally, the body fluids gather in the head and toes. Toxins that are heavier tend to sink to the lower part of the body when standing during the day and normally accumulate around the feet with gravity. There is an acupuncture point in the sole of the foot called yong chwean which in Mandarin means gushing water spring. Excess toxins and moisture from the body will be excreted into the patches at this acupuncture point. The feet of people with diabetes can be blue, with kidney problems they can be black and with cancer they can be a yellowish color. Waste removal may assist to reduce fatigue and pain, improve blood circulation, cold feet and wellbeing and help prevent disease by lifting natural immunity.Now there is another way of excreting toxins with Detoxion Foot PatchesThe all-natural dry ingredients in the patches are adhered like a big band aid to the soles of the feet overnight, when the body detoxifies. Depending on the individual, the detox may be for two or three days to two or three weeks, or longer in the case of more severe disease. The patch contents start to oxidize after breaking the airtight plastic seal of a pair of patches.The patches warm up to open the pores to draw and absorb the accumulated wastes from osmotic pressure through the skin from the blood and lymph systems.The effect of Detoxion Foot Patches may usually be seen or felt sooner on more acute diseases, sometimes in a few days. It may however require a longer time to see the effect on less chronic diseases like lethargy and fatigue. Detoxion Foot Patches can take longer to work on some people, especially if on medication for a long time, but if the patches are still dry after use, they can be re-used. Detox Foot Patches work best when placed on the soles of the feet to enhance blood circulation and improve sleep. They can be used any time but it is preferable overnight as you sleep. Socks worn over the foot patches can help prevent kicking them off during sleep.Potent all-natural ingredients Detox Foot Patch ingredients include the Agaricus mushroom from the jungles of Brazil. The Agaricus mushroom contains ample amounts of glucagons, the major ingredient in cancer controlling substances, a steroid that can regulate the increase of cancer cells. It is a plant textile that absorbs the carcinogenic substance and assists to release them to the outside of the body.The patches also contain chitosan, bamboo sap, eucalyptus sap, ionic tourmaline minerals that contain far infrared rays which resonate with the same long wavelength of water in the body, saururus chenesis which was the first plant to grow at the atomic bomb site in Hiroshima, fermented adjusting starches and other potent plant ingredients. The dried pasture sap in Detoxion Foot Patches has a strong sterilizing power, detoxification and absorption qualities. They may assist in many health concerns and disease prevention by reducing toxin levels.The original Asian study of the health, longevity and natural disease resistance of mature trees deep in forests with no human assistance led to the formulation of the ingredients for the foot patches.
The trees ability to purify large amounts of ground water through the roots into high quality water transported into the trunk and leaves, as well as the absorbing and detoxifying power of the wood sap, made it a natural ingredient for human use. Tree and bamboo ingredients are processed with heat and then powdered, adding in other beneficial natural ingredients to make convenient Detox Foot Patches

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